On a clear night, go outside and look up at the sky through a telescope. Look at the sky through a telescope.Look at the rings of the Saturn, the red dust on Mars, and the stark landscape of the Moon. Suddenly, the stories about the Greek and Roman Gods will leap to life for you. Your intellect will fuse with intuition; pieces will come together. In a moment utter clarity, you will understand why the Mars is the god of war, why mercury is a messenger, and why the neptune rules the sea and everything beneath them
As centre of the Solar System, the Sun also symbolises what is central for us - our identity.The Sun's energy is a forceful one, and in its wake comes authority, the ability to lead and an individual's essence, their core being. Through the will of this Planet, we learn to manifest ourselves in the world.
The Sun is majestic, and in keeping with its regal air, it rules royalty and higher office. This orb also lords over our health and well-being. The Sun's golden glow is a vital life force which imbues us with strength, energy and a will to succeed. It is the Sun which gives strength to the other Planets, which is why this Planet occupies a key role in Astrology.
The Sun moves about one degree a day. Sun transits have an effect on health, energy and willpower. You will be more creative and active. You may express yourself more openly according to the natal planet, sign and house being transited.
The Sun changes sign every month. The qualities of this sign are like adjectives which colour our self-expression. We have to develop and perfect these qualities to truly find ourselves. The House the Sun is in indicates the specific area in the material world in which we manifest our identity. We will identify very strongly with the practical issues that this House represents. Self-realisation comes through the matters connected with the House. The Aspects to our Sun show psychological influences on our identity which have to be integrated in some way. Aspects indicate specific effects that modify the expression of our identity and make us unique individuals. Aspects can also show quite precisely how we experienced the influence of the father, and how that modifies our attempts to become individuals.
The Moon represents our emotions and the need for security. It represents our early environment and particularly the way we experienced the mother. It shows our ability to be sensitive to the environment and to both give and receive emotion. The Moon is related to instincts, and is profoundly connected to the personal unconscious, and all the habitual behaviour that is looked after by this mysterious part of ourselves. The Moon shows how we instinctively react to protect ourselves and others. The Sign the Moon is in shows the specific way we react, and the kind of emotional needs we have. The Moon goes through all 12 Signs in a month. The Moon sign's influence is at least as powerful as the Sun, showing specific habitual and environmental needs as well as ingrained reaction styles. The House the Moon is in shows the particular area in actual life to which we become attached to increase feelings of security. This area is where we are most vulnerable and defensive. However it is also this area where we experience the greatest growth and show the greatest concern for others. The Aspects to the Moon show specific emotional experiences which affect our psychological make-up. These aspects are integrated into our emotional nature to give specific reaction patterns and habits.
As the ruler of the tides, it is fitting that the Moon should be the ruler of our emotions. Still waters run deep? Making huge waves? A wellspring of emotion? Yes, our emotions have long been portrayed in terms of the sea: fluid, momentous, churning from within. Mood swings, instinct, how we feel about things and how our feelings affect others are all influenced by the Moon. Whereas the Sun gives us our spirit, it's t
he Moon which gives us our soul.
The Moon is goddess-like in that it symbolizes mother and the relationship between woman and child. This Planet (also known as a luminary) speaks to the women in one's life and their role as nurturer. Fertility, pregnancy and childbirth are also governed by the Moon. We see the Moon casting its silvery glow from our earliest moments, when we were stroked and caressed by our mother and felt her tender touch.
Moon transits in about 21/2 days and is the fastest moving planet of the zodiac. It affects mainly moods and feelings, not always consciously and these emotional changes should be judged according to the planet, sign and house being transited.
Ambition and competition are also within Mars's realm. Whether it's at work or on the field of play, Mars encourages us to face challenges and to be our best -- or better. Aggression is part of the plan here, although Mars also values courage and honour. Assertion and a daring, fearless nature please this Planet.
It's important to note that Mars's energy can be constructive or destructive. The God of War in ancient times, Mars could be brutally violent. While this energy still emanates from the Planet, it also asks us to harness this force for good. Stamina, ambition and achievement are all part of Mars' mantra.
Mars transits can vary between 45 to 60 days depending upon the retrogression time. Mars transits energize the areas of life related to the natal planet being affected. One can be more energetic and be able to work harder than usual. But Mars can also promote tension and anger. So you should plan to keep yourself busy during a Mars transit so that you can have an outlet for this excessive energy. One should also watch their temper during a Mars transit as well as take extra precautions against rushing and accidents
Mars represents drive and masculinity, as well as issues connected with sexuality and power. It indicates the work we choose and the way we tackle it. It is strongly associated with the experience of brothers, the father and men in general. Where Mars is there is trouble, but also the fighting instinct to get on in life. Mars shows challenges and the ability to meet them bravely. Mars is connected with the muscular system. The Sign Mars is in represents the particular psychological area in which we express our energy. Mars takes 2 years to go around the Sun, as it is in each sign for approximately 2 months. In a woman's horoscope it represents the type of men she is attracted to, in a man's his own attitude to men, competitiveness and masculinity. The House Mars is in shows the specific area in which one desires to invest energy. This house will also show where one is most dynamic, where men are encountered, and where one is confronted with issues of power. Battles are fought in this area. Aspects to Mars show specific attractions to men, or specific sexual preferences. They show the way we use our energy and special talents for particular kinds of work
Mercury is related to our ability to communicate and desire for knowledge. It is connected with contacts to siblings, friends and people at school. Mercury represents our thoughts and the constant activity that goes on in our heads. It is connected to the nervous system and physical co-ordination. The Sign Mercury is in shows the way we communicate and the psychological areas in which our mental talents lie. Mercury is the fastest of all planets and cleaves to the Sun, either being in the same Sign as the Sun or one of the Signs on either side of the Sun. The House Mercury is in shows the particular area in which our mental talents are put to practical use. This is the area in which we realise our need to make contact and increase our learning. Aspects to Mercury show mental talents and communication styles in a very specific way. They indicate our individual interests and abilities.
A mercurial nature brings to mind restlessness and motion. Rat-a-tat-tat -- things happen fast here. Mercury is about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalize things. Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it will certainly be energizing! This Planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury's energy is both dexterous and perceptive.
Mercury is about short trips: a visit to a neighbour or a friend across the town, the workaday commute, a weekend getaway. Siblings and transportation in general, are also within Mercury's realm.
Speaking, writing, books, online communications and learning are all within Mercury's domain. This Planet implores us to express ourselves often -- and well. When Mercury goes retrograde (the appearance of travelling backward) however, our communications will be challenged.
Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun; it takes about 88 days to complete its orbit of the Sun. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and assumes the gender of the Sign it is in. It rules both Gemini and Virgo and the Third and Sixth Houses.
It transits in about one month, variable & depends on retro gradation. Mercury transits affect the mind and movement. So often, you want to travel, write letters, e-mail, make phone calls and generally communicate with others. A Mercury transit may also stimulate you to make many local errands.
We appear attractive -- and we attract others -- thanks to Venus's energy. Socializing with and relating to others are important to this Planet.
It shows our values and our need and capacity for love. This planet shows aesthetic preferences and the natural attraction we feel to people and things. Venus represents the need for inner and outer harmony and balance. It is associated with the inner feelings we have when we compare and make judgements. Venus also represents sisters and other influential women, as well as our experience of the emotional harmony between our parents. The Sign Venus is in indicates how our values are coloured and what specific aesthetic styles we adopt. Choices of partner are strongly influenced by this Sign position. Venus is always found close to the Sun in the horoscope - either in the same sign, or in one of the two signs alongside the Sun.
Beauty is also strongly associated with Venus. The arts (music, dance, drama and literature, to name a few) and a sense of the aesthetic fall within the realm of Venus. Venus beseeches us to indulge our senses and revel in the beauty of our world. This Planet is inextricably linked to refinement, culture, charm and grace.
Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Luxuries (jewellery, paintings and expensive cars), good food and drink, a beautiful home and a sense of refinement all please Venus's interests. This Planet asks us to appreciate the exquisite nature of things. It's a sensual -- though not necessarily sexual -- world as far as Venus is concerned.
Venus transits in about one month’s time and it can indicate enjoyment in your social life and feelings of love. You may want to beautify your home or self, and you may desire more entertainment than usual. You may attract people and things to you so this is the time to find new friends and lovers, or look for a better job or home. Venus can also bring out your pleasant side and you may feel more attractive than usual, and this Venus transit would be a superb time to schedule beauty regimens and appointments. Sometimes the energy plays out by receiving gifts or money.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and has its own cosmos of moons orbiting. It represents the drive for insight on an intellectual, philosophical and religious level. It is said to bring great good fortune, and its influence is to expand the effect of everything it comes into contact with. Jupiter has to do with the law and moral authority, and our attitude to these issues. It brings a strong desire for understanding and the tendency to have powerful opinions and convictions. As Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun, it spends one year in each Sign. Therefore its influence in the horoscope is more collective than personal. The Sign Jupiter is in represents cultural influences and social drives for expansion and improvement. The House Jupiter is in shows where there will be good fortune and expansion in your personal life. This House position will indicate the specific area in life in which you gain insight and grow in understanding. This area will generally be very fortunate for you. The aspects Jupiter makes shows a psychological identity characteristic where the need for expansion, influence and understanding is paramount. These aspects show the specific personal drives where the search for wisdom is most intense.
Jupiter is the thinking person's Planet. As the guardian of the abstract mind, this Planet rules higher learning and bestows upon us a yen for exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Intellectually speaking, Jupiter assists us in formulating our ideology. In the more spiritual realm, Jupiter lords over religions and philosophy. A search for the answers is what Jupiter proposes, and if it means spanning the globe to find them, well, that's probably why Jupiter also rules long-distance travel. In keeping with this theme, Jupiter compels us to assess our ethical and moral values; it also addresses our sense of optimism.
Jupiter transits in about 12 to 13 months. Luck and good fortune are associated with Jupiter for good reason. This is a kind and benevolent Planet, one which wants us to grow and flourish in a positive way. Jupiter may be judge and jury, but it's mostly an honourable helpmate, seeing to it that we're on the right path. While our success, accomplishments and prosperity are all within Jupiter's realm, this largesse can, at times, deteriorate into laziness and sloth (Jupiter, at its worst, is associated with weight gain!). More often than not, however, Jupiter will guide us down the primrose path.
Saturn is the furthest planet in the solar system visible to the naked eye. As such it represents limits. Saturn in the horoscope shows where the greatest challenges are to be found, and the hardest lessons learned. This planet shows where rigid systems restrict growth. It is connected with the parents, authorities and rules. Saturn brings strength through self-limitation, discipline and planning. As Saturn takes nearly 30 years to go around the Sun, it will be in any one Sign over a period of about 2½ years. Saturn in a Sign therefore represents cultural and authoritarian influences and trends in society. It shows the influence of society on the individual, and where in society the greatest efforts are made to build up lasting structures. Saturn's House position shows where specifically you will experience the greatest challenges and limitations.
In keeping with the passage of time, Saturn governs old age along with the lessons it teaches us. Learning life's lessons is a key to this Planet, in keeping with its role as a teacher. The majesty of older age also brings with it a certain sense of tradition, conventionality (our learned patterns of behaviour) and wisdom, and Saturn is mindful of these characteristics. This Planet applauds our perseverance and the fact that we've withstood the test of time (yes, time comes up once again). This senior status further brings with it a measure of authority, and Saturn lords over that as well.
Structure, order and the way in which we conduct our affairs are all ruled by this ringed Planet. Contraction and the reining in of assets are also important here. Lastly, Saturn, again in its role as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring.
Saturn is the slowest moving planet and it transits in about 21/2 years. The house it is transiting through identifies an area of your life that is being tested and one in which you may experience great tension. Undoubtedly, Saturn is trying to teach us something and there are certain lessons to learn. Saturn can add structure to that particular area or it might bring losses, but generally there is a need to go. It is not uncommon to experience a heaviness or sadness, depending upon the planet being affected.
To understand the influence of Rahu Ketu in our chart we must learn about their shadow nature. This is the most important factor in when dealing with the influence of the nodes. They are only points in the Zodiac therefore they are unable to enact their effect on their own. The nodes take on the characteristics of their depositor as they have no substance themselves. It is very important to study the sign, position and placement of the depositor. Here it is important to understand that although the nodes are influenced by their depositor, the depositor itself carries forward the influence of the nodes. The basic results of Rahu- Ketu are modified by their location in your chart. The signs/ houses they are placed in. The aspects they receive and the aspects they throw out. Also if they are in conjunction with another planet (Note: In Vedic Astrology a planet in the same house is considered conjunct, the closer the conjunction the stronger the influence.) they will throw out its influence. For example if Rahu is in conjunction with Mars it will throw the aspect of Mars along with that of its depositor.
Rahu & Ketu transit in about 18 months and their motion is always retrograde. They can give good results when they transit through 3 rd , 6 th , 8 th and 11 th house in a natal chart.
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