If you have any query related to "Astrology "drop it in the Comment box with complete details(Date, Time and Place of your Birth) or you can mail me at:contactastro@gmail.com
You can ask a single question through this service, if you have an urgent query or have more than one query please send it in the Paid Services sectionYOUR ASTRO QUERIESQ. "I am on h4 visa, is there any chance of getting job, in future or shld I prefer business". My details : date:04/17/1976, place:delhi, time:05:30 A.M.
A. I have sent your details on your mail id. I have gone through your horoscope details. The planets are favorable for your career after September'2009. You will get a very good job, but it'll be to some distant place. Take an extra caution for health related issues.
Wear 5-1/2 ratti pukhraj in your first finger on thursday in between 10:00 AM -5:00 PM
Donate yellow or creme color cloth on thursday
Best Wishes
Q. Blogger vijayta said...
hi i wud like to knw whn cn i get a new and better job since i really want to move on frm my current profile my dob is 6th feb 1981,11:40am,chandigarh(India).
A.As per your planetary configuration, ascendent:Aries and Moon Sing:Aquarius. At present you are passing through the mahadasha of Jupiter-Rahu till feb'09, in this phase you would experience instability in your professional life, but things will be in your favor.
You would get promotion, after July' but chances are that you will change your job after October this year.
Other details i had mailed to your e-mail id.
Best Wishes
Q. I am sending the details of my brother.DoB- 2 June 1964.Time 5:20am Place of Birth- Rewa,India.I wanted to know which stone can he wear.Rashi-Kumbh.A.Hi,
Your brother is born with Ascendent Taurus and Moon sign Aquarius. He can wear Neelam of 6 1/4 ratti by testing it on wrist for 5 days. This is his lucky stone
but needed to be tested before wearing.He can wear it on Saturday between this period 6:00 p.m- 12:00.
He can also wear diamond of 1 ratti or american diamond of 6 1/2 ratti, on friday in evening.
Best Wishes
Q.I wanted to know what ways can a stone be worn.Can it be used as a pendant/bracelet.My date of birth-30 oct 1965.Time-9:00-9:30am(Roughly).Birth Place: Ujjain,India.I want to know if I can wear neelam stone .
A. Your planetary configuration at time of your birth, Scorpio ascendent, moon sign:Sagitarius. Lord of your ascendent is placed in it's own house, shows that you are blessed with good personality, progeny, and you are very lucky in money matters.
This year transit of Jupiter is in your sign, and aspecting your 5th, 7th and 9th house, though this year will be lucky in every aspect of life,you will get some good news regarding your kids& spouse, this year. This year you might perform some auspicious rituals, like hawan, puja...
At present you are under mahadasha of Rahu- Mercury, so your mind will be clouded with many thoughts.
Now i come to your asked question;
You can wear gomed of 5 1/2 ratti in your middle finger on wednesday or saturday.Before wearing this stone first check by testing on your wrist for 5 dys
You can also wear panna of 5 1/2 ratti in your small finger on wednesday.
You can wear neelam in your bracelet but first you have to test for 5 days, day start with saturday.
Best Wishes
Q.When will i get a good job, my details are given below:
Date of Birth: 12-06-1973
Time of Birth:13:40
Place of Birth:hyderabad
A. I have gone through your horoscope in detail and give herewith my considered opinion.Your 10th lord Moon is placed in 12th house and this is not good for profession and also for mental peace and you should do this remedy.Most beneficial planet Saturn is placed in 8th house and this is not good for domestic happiness, general happiness and also for taking wise decisions remedy for this is to
Wear a Blue Sapphire of ( 4.5 carats) in right hand middle finger on Saturday evening after doing Saturn Mantra and dip this ring in mixture of 5 items curd, raw milk, honey, sugar powder and ganga water. "Om praam preem praum sah shanayishraya namah"
Wear a Pearl of 7.25 rattis (6.5 carats) in left hand small finger on Monday after doing this mantra for 108 times.
"Om shraam shreem shraum sah chandramasay namah"
Do charities for old and handicapped persons on Saturdays. I wish you all the very best in your endeavors and pray to almighty to bestow health, happiness, good spouse and prosperity on you.
Best Wishes
Q. I have saturn and sun in 10th house and this is affecting my carrer aspects. dob: 30-10-75 at 3:05 PM, vishakhapatnam, AP
Rajiv, Virginia, United States
A. You are currently under Rahu dasa Mercury bhukti till May 2008, and then Ketu bhukti in Rahu dasa till 21 May 2009. The real problem in your career matters is because of exchange of houses between 7th house lord Sun and 10th house lord Venus. This is one combination that is troublesome and indicates undesirable fluctuations in career matters. Placement of 10th lord in 8th house gives some sort of dissatisfaction in career.
As for the Sun-Saturn combination in the 10th house, it will not harm you if you avoid impulsive decisions in career. Your first impulse will almost always be wrong; so if an idea comes to your mind, just let it incubate for one day and rethink. If you still feel the same away as before, go ahead; otherwise, avoid the action you had contemplated. Apart from this, worship of Lord Hanumaan by chanting "Om Hum Hanumate Raama Dhootaaya asaadhya kaarya saadhakaaya namah" 18 times daily and 108 times on New Moon days (Amaavaasya days) will be helpful to overcome the 10th house influence of Sun and Rahu, and help you to attain great success. Your career matters will see much fluctuation, but definitely in the long-run you will have acheived much. Do not worry about that.
Your good period will begin in 2009 and early part of 2010 when Venus bhukti in Rahu dasa begins. During that period, health of children or child-related matters could cause occasional concern; but career matters will look good.
Best Wishes
Q. I have 2 questions-- 1)will i do well in business,if yes what type of business? 2)will i do well in speculation trading like stocks/shares,currency trading,etc. my birth details are--25th may 1974,5am,Bangalore,India .
des moines, U.S.
Thank You
A. Your lagna is aries and rasi libra.your 10th lord saturn is posited in taurus in both rasi and navamsa.hence any business goverened by venus,like,textiles,ornaments,beauty products,hotel,fastfoods,boutique,etc will suit you.regarding speculation,rahu posited in 10th house is aspecting 10th lord saturn(trine aspect) and is aspected by lagna lord mars.so to a limited extent you may indulge in speculation.note to save what you earn out of speculation.
In march there will be a nice opportunity coming your way.partnership is not good for you and all the best .
Q. Respected Astrolgers, I am facing problems in all these fields that is profession,marriage and related to property ( I want to sell it is in partnership) I want some good advice urgently i know some astrology so please explain. 24-sep-1968 11:29 am delhi. Please tell the future and easy remedies. I will be grateful of you
A. I have gone through your horoscope. You are Scorpio Lagna and Lagna Lord well posited alongwith 2nd and 5th lord Jupitor. Your 10th lord (profession) alongwith 9th lord (Bhagya) in the 11th house. But there is Amavasya Dosha formed in your house of Gain house.
At present you are passing through the mahadasha-antardasha of jupiter, but jupter is combust, so you might not be getting the good results of jupiter, for better results wear pukhraj in your first finger. Problems related with marriage will be over by 31st of january'08 and problems related with property matter and profession will be over by may'08. You are under the phase of sadesatti, so think twice before investing, it'll give you obstacle in completion of your work. Remedies: chant mantra of shani dev, read hanuman chalisa, Avoid non-veg and alchohol on saturday.
Q. Hi, we are trying for the baby. Please let me know is there any chances to conceive this year? and How many children will I have in future? My DOB is 22/02/1977 ,time- 12.21 pm , place - Mumbai
A. I have examined in depth your horoscope as per birth details given by you. The Lagna Lord Venus is posited in 9th house with exalted Mars and panchmesh Mercury. The exalted Mars also aspects the Karka of children Jupiter in 12th House in the rashi of Mesh which is firy sign. These planery combination are not favourable for procreation of childrens. In Saptamsa chart also, the Saturn who is Lagna lord occupies the pancham sthan. hence not good position.The degree of Jupiter are more than 29. The dash period at present is also not good upto 11th May, 2008. Thereafter the antar of Jupiter start. Accordingly you should wear Gold Sephaire/Topaz of 5-1/4 carat after duly performed pooja after 11.5.2008.
You also submit 250grams of masoor Dal to Red Cow on every every Tuesday and pray to Lord Hanumanji to give you a child.God will bless you.
there is a very good chance after march this year, and you will have two kids.
Best Wishes
I came across your website in the IHM community on orkut.
Could you please answer my query.I have been having problems conceiving so could you please let me know as to when I will be able to have children.
My details are:
Date of birth:11th March 1978
Time of birth:11:46 a.m (India time)
Place of birth: Bangalore,Karnataka,India
At the time of your birth, Taurus Ascendant ( Lagna ) rising with Cancer Navamsa and Capricorn Dreskana in Rohini fourth Pad denotes that you are a person of tremendous will-power who will leave no stone unturned to achieve worldly gains and pleasures.
The lord of your progeny house is debilited and combust(powerless), this is the reason you are having problem in conceiving.At present you are going through the periodical dasha of Venus-Mer till Oct 2011, even if you would conceive, you need to to take lots of precautions. In between 22-02-10 to 22-5-10, seems to be a favorable period regarding progeny. But i will recommend you to perform some grah shanti puja for certain planets before you conceive.Q. Hi,
This is Gagan born 26.3.82, Lucknow 8:05 am, i am wearing blue
sapphire and a yellow sapphire,till what time i will get
settled.Waitin fr ur reply
Thnx & regards
A.As per your planetary configuration you are passing through the periodical phase of Venus-Rahu-Saturn till January 2010, after that time is favorable regarding your career.
Best Wishes
hi this is amit sharma
sir bahut pareshaan hu
i did BE in 2006
2 best jobs chod chuka huu becoz of my moody nature
army ka junoon sawar hai
aabhi bekaar hu
mean to say sona pakadta hu mitti ho jaata hai
yaar aage kya karunga bataoo na army mai hoga ki nahi
08/april/1983 1:30 pm jabalpur
scrap me plz
A. As per your planetary configuration you are born under the Ascendent:Cancer and Moon Sign: Cancer, the lord of your Ascendent is aspecting its own house it makes you some times. At present you are passing through the mahadasha of Jupiter and antardasha of Saturn till November'2010, indicates struggle and obstacles in the completion of your work, you need to put some extra effort if you are interested in Army and you need to do some remedies in this regard
Wear Pukhraj(Yellow Sapphire) or Topaz and you can also wear Red Coral for success.
Avoid non-veg and alcohol on Saturday and Thursday
Best Wishes
Q. jiya
My sunsign is leo. my date of birth is 18th august 1981. time 11:45 p.m. place: new delhi. plz tell me about my future
A. As per your planetary configuration you are born under the Ascendent:Taurus and Moon Sign:Pisces. The lord your Ascendent Venus(Shukra)is placed in the sign of debilition indicates you might have faced some difficulties regarding your studies and in your love life. At present you are passing through the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Mars till Feb'2009, indicates there would be some difficulties related to studies, love life and luck is not favoring you at this point of time.
Best Wishes
Q.Viquar Iqbal
@yahoquestion o.time 1-co.inDate of Birth: Time of birth: Place of birth: v.m.iqbal d.o.b 19 july 1982 male, place Aurangabad maharasht time-1-15 a.m.query can I wear gomed ,does it help in professional success if not what other gem will be lucky
A. As per your planetary configuration you are born under Ascendent: Aries and Moon Sign: Gemini. At present you are passing through the periodical phase of Jupiter-Ketu till July'09. You shouldn't wear gomed as you are running through the phase of Ketu.
For more details you can visit the
Paid Query section of the site.
Best Wishes
dob 19-3-1984
tob 6:30am
pob karachi Pakistan
would i like to know abt my marriage whn it would be any chance to go abroad plzzzzzzz rep soon
A.As per your planetary configuration you are born under Ascendent: Pisces and Moon sign: Virgo. At present you are passing through the periodical phase of Jupiter-Saturn till May' 2011 indicates that you might be facing delays or obstacles in the complition of your work. The good yoga for your marriage (March'09-July'09) and (April 2010 -June'2010)
Best Wishes
Q. Guruji,
I have two questions. My company has given ESOP and now it is quoting
below par.
Pl advise when market will improve and do i make any gain? I have missed
many many opprtunities to make money. Pl advise why this is happening to
My Details
Date of Birth : 16th Dec 1968
Time : 18.30 PM
Place : Arsikere, Karnataka
A. As per your planetary configuration you are born under the Ascendent: Gemini and Moon Sign: Libra. The lord of your Ascendent Mercury is weak(combust), indicates sometime it puts dilemma(confusion) while making a decision. At present you are passing through the Mahadasha of Saturn(Shani) and antardasha of Jupiter till July'09, it might be causing delay in the completion of your work or problem in your work sphere. The time is favoirable for your career after April' 2009.
At present all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu and making Kalsarp Dosham, as per the astrological point of view this one of the reason of the present market situation, fall in the share market. Astrologically the situation of market is likely see some improvements after December but will get at normal in the end of 2011. So dont make any hasty decision during this phase.
For details and remedies you can visit the
Paid Query section of the blog.
Best Wishes
Q.First of all i would like to thanks to you. My dob- 16-02-1976, time of birth - 5.40 p.m, place of birth Delhi. My moon sign is Leo. A second phase of shani sadesatti is running on me.
My question is that i m devorcee and while running 2nd phase of sadesatti on me , i want to know when i will get marry again.
A.As per your planetary configuration you are born under Ascendent: Cancer and Moon Sign Sign:Leo. At present you are going through the mahadasha of Moon(Chandra)-Venus(shukra), indicates your marriage will be likely to happen in between Dec'08-Jun'09. But you need to do some remedies to please the planet Venus.
The Sun is placed in the 8th house indicates you might have a ego problem even in your second marriage. So you are advice to do to proper match making(gun milap) before marriage.
For more detail and remedies, you can visit the
Paid Query of the site.
Best Wishes
Q. Hi,
Please tell me which is my lucky gemstone and from where i can purchase best quality of gemstones here in United States?
A.At present you are passing through the periodical phase of Jupiter, so you can wear Yellow Sapphire in the first finger of your right hand.
You can buy a good quality of Yellow Sapphire from here http://www.amazon.com/Gemstone-Set-Feng-Shui/dp/B00124X81G?&camp=212361&creative=383841&linkCode=wss&tag=inflofastrino-20
Best Wishes
Q. Hello,
Subject: kalsarp dosha is present or not???
my DOB is 08-July-1981 and birth time is 12:30:00 PM birth place is Bangalore (Karnataka)
AM I effected from the kalsarp yoga/dosha ??? if yes then what is the remedies of it.. also let me know the mantras and total number of mantra which i have to make to save my life from this yog.
I am bachelor and facing problem's and frustrations in my life.
As per your planetary configuration you are born under Ascendent and Moon Sign: Virgo. At present you are passing through the phase of Sadesatti due to this you might be facing problems in money matters, luck is not favorable at this point of time and be cautious on health related matters.
If the given birth details are correct, then you don't have a Kaalsarpa Dosha in your birth chart. At present you are passing through the Mahadasha of Rahu-Venus, due to this you might be facing hurdles and disappointment in your work.
For Remedies, you need to visit the Paid Query section of the blog site. http://about-astro.blogspot.com/2008/02/paid-services.html
Best Wishes
Q.Hello Sir/Madam
my Date of Birth is 28 January 1975 , at 6:30 am , mumbai(india)
I would like to know which stone will suit me or i should wear.
Thankyou and waiting for your reply
As per your planetary configuration you are born under Ascendent Capricorn and Moon Sign: Cancer. At present you are passing through the phase of Sadesatti. The lord of your Ascendent Saturn(Shani) is placed in sixth house and at present you passing through the Saturn's phase and it will end by December'2010. It indicates that you might be facing delays in the completion of your work or getting your work done.
Do not take any major decision till December'2010. Be cautious while driving.
I can provide general prediction in the "Free Query" section. For Gem Consultancy you can visit the Paid Query section of the site.
Best Wishes
Q.On 9/20/08, Vikas Dhamija wrote:
> hi,
> My birth
> place : chandigarh
> time -9.35 am
> date - 26/1/1977
> i keep getting financial losses & hardships. career is late , achieve
> success after many hurdles , feel luck is not straight, what should I do,
> any stone I can wear, can i wear neelam stone?
> Thanks,
> Vikas
As per your planetary configuration you are passing through the periodical dasha of Sun-Venus till May'2009, after this phase you will see some positive things coming your. Don't purchase anything on your wife's name. Be cautious at your health front, do a regular health check up after May'2009.
For more details and Remedies you can visit the Paid Services http://about-astro.blogspot.com/2008/02/paid-services.html section of the blog.
Best Wishes
Q. Dear Sir /Madam
Thanx forgiving me atleast answer
I m giving u my deatil pls guide me
My bd is on 5th Jan 1978 7.15 Pm Godhra, Gujarat, India. I know my kundli kark lagna with mangal, 2 sinh,3 rahu, 5 budh and chanda, 6 sun and shukra,9 ketu,12 guru, i want to invest my money in share market .. i m confused wht astrology is saying pls guide me if not which business is suitabel for me or i sud start a job pls guide me
SaurinA. As per the planetary configuration at time of your birth, you are born with Asendent(lagna): Cancer and Moon sign: Scorpio. The lord of your Ascendent is placed in the 5th house(consider to be sign of debilition), Mars is posited in the the Ascendent(sign of debilition), which shows you have a fluctuation in your career and you should not opt share market as a career but a part of it.
There is a exchange between Ascendent and 5th, indicates sometimes you could make very good amount of profit, by speculating or investing in a share market.
You can do business in these fields: consultancy, stock market, dairy business, cosmetics, cloths.
Avoid any kind of investment until May'08.
Lucky Numbers 4
Good Numbers 2, 4, 5, 8
Evil Numbers 1, 7, 9
Good Years 13,22,31,40,49
Lucky Days Wed, Fri
Good Planets Merc, Ven
Friendly Signs Tau Leo Lib
Good Lagna Sag, Pis, Tau, Cap
Lucky Metal Bronze
Lucky Stone Emerald
Bad Day Friday
Bad Lagna Vrishchika
Bad Month Ashwin
Bad Nakshatra Revati
Bad Prahar 1
Bad Rasi Vrish
Bad Tithi 1, 6, 11
Bad Yoga Brahma
Evil Planets Jupiter, Mars
For more detailed answer or Remedies, you can visit the "
PAID SERVICES" Section of this blog.
Best Wishes
Q. I got your reference from Manish Tiwari.
My birth date and place details are –
June 30, 1980
Place – Ujjain, MP India
Time 10:45am.
I just need a general reading on life, career etc
Thank You,A. As per your planetary configuration you are born with, Ascendent Leo and moon sign Capricorn. Lord of your ascendent is placed in the 11 house(house of profit), shows you could make profit out of anything, with your own hardwork, so you could do very good in business or any career you opt.
You are a person of considerable action. You are never still. You are always making plans and the thing you can least tolerate is inactivity. You have much self will, and the spirit of independence is firmly planted in you. You resent the interference of others, perhaps more than you should, and freedom is a quality you prize very highly- freedom not only of action but also of thought.You think out things that are original in character. These may take widely diverse forms. You might invent some very ingenious contrivance or evolve a new method. Whatever it is, the world will be taken a step forward on your account.There is no doubt that you set great score on honesty, using the term in its widest sense.
At present you are under the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mercury which shows, this year money will slip out of your hand, your expenditure will be more.
This year Jupiter is transiting your 12th house and aspecting 4th, 6th and 9th house, shows that this year you might purchase some property, vehicle, or do some kind of renovation at home. Mars is transiting your 6th house, might cause you some health problems.
Lucky Numbers 1
Good Numbers 1, 2, 3, 9
Evil Numbers 4, 5, 8
Good Years 18,27,36,45,54
Lucky Days Sat, Wed, Fri
Good Planets Sat, Merc, Ven
Friendly Signs Gem, Cap, Aqua
Lucky Metal Silver
Lucky Stone Diamond
Bad Day Tuesday
Bad Karan Shakuni
Bad Lagna Kumbha
Bad Month Baisakh
Bad Rasi Leo
Bad Tithi 4, 9, 14
Evil Planets Jupiter, Mar
For more details you can visit my "
Paid Services" section .
Best Wishes
Q. poonam said..
Hi this is the detail of that person
Date : 9th August, 1990
Time :Thursday, Morning 8:33
and place of birth : MumbaiA. Hi Poonam,
I got you question in my mail, as per the planetary configuration of this person is, she is born with ascendent leo and moon sign: Aquarius. The lord of ascendent is placed in the 12 house(hose of loss) and mercury is placed in the ascendent, it shows kind of restless mind.
She is under periodical dasha of Saturn-Ketu-Moon until 14/03/08, after this period situation will be better.
After 8th March'08, there is some communication with the person, and things will be start working in positive way. After 14th March'08 you will get some good news.
The planets shows, that the native will go for love marriage
The person could do in field of IT, or in designing
For the detail prediction and remedies, mail me in the '
paid services' sectio this blog.
Best Wishes
Q. Hi my details are Birth time 1610. Date 19/08/1977. Place of Birth :Kota(Rajasthan). I have Kal surp dosh and does not get credit as per my work. 1)What are the ways (if any) of getting rid of this Dosh. 2)I want to move on with my career, do I have a promotion in near future. A. Don't get frightened over KSY. Many of the renowned astrologers have challenged the seriousness and validity of this yoga. There are innumerable cases where people with Kalsarpa Yoga have attained greate success in life. Many of these are celebrities and their life is open before us.
Here, I want you to know that Kalsarpa Yog is of great importnce within a level of astrologers where 'client's fear' decides the greatness of the astrologer. There are leaders in almost all spheres of life; be it politics, religion, medical, occult or 'paid astrology' who are advocates of fear-psycosis. Some of them have no monitory interest, but they have fallen prey to the early lessons they got from their god-fathers and they are spell-bound now, they cannot change their mind now. Some are tempted to adopt its validity as an easy excuse to justify any negative happenings otherwise difficult to attribute to other planetary combinations. So please don't get confussed with all sort of kinds of Kalsarpa yoga variations that might come across.
I only consider formation of Kalsarpa Yoga when moving from lagna towards 12th through 2,3,4,..(anticlock-wise) the first planet seen is Rahu and no other planet is placed beyond Ketu in the chart. (i)Rahu-ketu moves in reverse direction in the zodiac and (ii)Rahu is the face and Ketu is the tail of serpent.
Remedies: Chant mantra: AUM NAMAH SHIVAY every monday
Best Wishes
Blogger dumblnddzzy said...
Q. I was born on April 12,1956, @ 7:33P.M. Place: MyrtleCreek Oregon. My question is this: Will I meet the love of my life in 2008?
February 22, 2008 1:39 PM
A. According to Vedic Astrology your the planetary configuration in your horoscope ; You are born with ascendent Virgo, moon sign Aries.
You come under the vibrations of Mars and Jupiter. You will be cheerful and progressive. You would have clear views and a dictatorial nature. You would have good organizational and administrative capabilities. You would be successful in the top positions of the authority. You would get a high rank in the Government or Defense departments. You would never like to serve under anybody. You will be of an independent nature. You do not like the pressure and restrictions imposed by others. You would escape accidents miraculously. You would obey the law. You will make powerful friends and equally powerful enemies. The society would respect you and treat you affectionately. You have the makings of good justice. You will like literature and sciences. You are very lucky in financial matters and you will earn a lot of money.
Now i come to your asked question, this year Jupiter is transiting your 9th house and aspecting the 5th house(house of love), but the transit of malefic planets like Saturn and Ketu will remain in the 5th house. You will meet your love, in near future but the malefic aspect of Saturn will not let you communicate your feelings. Transit of Jupiter will be promising for you this year, in every aspect of life, you will meet your love and chances are that, you will go very long in this relationship.
This period is not good for good for any kind of relationship (2/21/08 to 3/21/08, so avoid this period.
To get rid of the malefic effect of Saturn wear yellow saphire ring in your first finger of your left hand.
Best Wishes
Q. ShoppersWing said...
Hi There,
These are the details of my daughter,please tell about her health and career.
DOB:15 july 02
A. @shopperswing
As per the pllanetary configuration of your daughter's horoscope, she is born with Scorpio ascendent, moon sign Virgo. Lord of her ascendent is placed in the 9th house, it shows that she'll make her luck by her own. She is very lucky for her family too.
Her career life will be very good, she could do very good in the fields of designing, research or
Lord of her 6th house is placed in the 9th house with Jupiter, Mars is debitited in that house so she might caught with some minor health problems.
At present she is under the effect of sadesatti, the effect of Sadesatti will be more in this period (21-12-08 to 21-07-10), so some extra caution is needed in this period.
Best Wishes
Terms & ConditionsYour Future(Prediction)
My job as an Astrologer is to tell you the best time to act and when not to act,what the effects of your actions will be etc., and how u could avoid such actions.Therefore my forecast is not a guarnatee of your future, because only you are responsible for your actions and how they relate to your future.
I analyze your horoscope as per the planetary configuration in your natal chart and give my prediction on the basis of it. I will not be held responsible for Your actions however advised.
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