Showing posts with label Rahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rahu. Show all posts

Rahu Ketu Transit in Gemini and Sagittarius 2019-2020

Rahu and Ketu 18 months transit is considered to be a significant astrological events. On March 7, 2019, Rahu will transit to Gemini sign in Punarvasu Nakshatra. Ketu will transit to Sagittarius in Uttarashada Nakshatra.
 Both are going to transit their exalted signs, if Rahu is positive in your birth chart, can bring  popularity, prestige, fame and power. Ketu if positive in the birth chart, will bring Spiritualism, detatchment from materilistic world, powerful perception, one can find a Guru with great insight. Last time 18 years ago(2000-2001) this transit happened in Gemini and Sagitarius. There was lot of remarkable event happened, like some of these are, Israel-Palestine issue, the earthquake in India of a high intensity in Gujarat and September 11 terrorist attacks in USA. Gemini & Sagittarius are the exaltation signs of Rahu and Ketu respectively.

Overall this transit will bring some good and some bad effects, such as war like situation, terrorist activities, Cyber attacks, sudden changes in the share market and arise of Spiritualism among people.. Rahu is known for causing abrupt events and accidents. On the other hand, Ketu affects your life in such a way that you have to reap the results of the good and/or bad deeds done by your past karmas. These planets are erratic and unpredictable in nature.If Rahu is placed 3rd, 6th and 9th from the natal moon, it brings good result. A positively placed Rahu in your horoscope bestows dignity and political successes in life of the native. A negatively placed Rahu results in possible health issues, anxiety. I will post the prediction for all moon sign very soon
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A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color.A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.

Gomedha ensures the native safety and protection from deadliest of enemies. Gomedha bestows health, wealth and prosperity to its owner. A blemished gemstone is harmful for the wearer. The red coloured gomedha is injurious to health and one having a mixture of mica is destroyer of wealth.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone

Planet : Rahu
Cosmic Color Ultraviolet
Sign : Aquarius
Element : Ether
Time : Sunset
Day : Saturday
Finger : Middle- Right hand

A defective Gomed can cause great trouble to the wearer. Consult with your astrologer before wearing Gomed.