Aries Aries Moon Sign The natives of Aries sign, Jupiter is going to transit your 9th house on November 5th for next 13 month. The 9th house in horoscope represents luck, distance travel, inclination toward Spiritualism, Religious activities and higher studies.
As the Jupiter and Ketu will transit the 9th house, it will attract you toward Spiritualism and your heart will seek the desire to search for Guru or Mentor. You will be more interested to attain the knowledge of Vedas or other higher knowledges. Jupiter will aspect your ascendant(1st house), 3rd house and 5th house while transiting your 9th house. You are more likely to do the expenditure on religious activities or money will go toward attaining higher education as well. The health of your mother will be matter of concern during this phase, so do the regular visit to the doctor. Read more.....
Taurus Jupiter will transit in the 8th house for Taurus natives, its also known as house of obstruction. It is going to aspect the 12th, 2nd and 4th house of your chart. If you have an interest in occult science, vedas or working on any research work, this time will benefit you. People associated with insurance work, research or minning related work will earn good profit. There will some changes in your speech pattern, it will be somewhat polite and you will handle things more diplomaticaly. Read more....
Gemini Gemini, Jupiter will transit your 7th house and will aspect the 11th, Ascendant and 3rd house. The married couple will enjoy the good relationship and will get the good support from their life partner. If there is any marriage-related issues you had in the past that will more likely to get resolved during this phase. The unmarried Gemini native's will get the good match and some of will tie the wedding knot during this benefic transit of Jupitr. People in business will find a good equation with their business partners. Jupiter Transit 2019 brings good chances of financial success and profits as well. The planets indicates, investments made during this time would give you good monetary gains. The decisions made during this transit will be beneficial in future. Some of will add another source of income. Read more....
Cancer The transit of Jupiter will bring the mixed results for Cancer natives. As the transit of Jupiter will over your 6th house, indicates you have to be careful from your opponents. You have to be cautious from your hidden enemies, they could create some conspiracy against you. The matters related to loan and debt should be handled carefully. People in job might get promotion or will switch to another job for good. Students will get more than expected results in competition exams. There could be chances of health issues related to Kidney or Diabeties issue could crop up for some natives . Keep an eye on your health and do the timely doctor visits. Read more....
Leo This transit of Jupiter is going to bring a postive changes in lives of the Leo natives. As it is going to aspect 9th, 11th and 1st house(ascendant) of your horoscope, so you could expect lot of positive changes in all areas of your life. You can reap the benefits of all the good deeds(karma) done by you in the past, as the transit of Jupiter will be over your 5th house. You will develop a good understanding with your kids. If you are planning for a baby from a long time, this period will bring a positive news for those couples. But some of you would go through some medical treatment for progeny related matters, as the transit of Jupiter is along with Ketu indicates that possibility. Read more....
Virgo For Virgo natives Jupiter will be transiting over the 4th house, this is going to be a mixed transit for Virgo Ascendants/Moon sign. If you are planning to buy a property or new vehicle, this transit will make the dream come true. Your daily routine will be so much busy, that it won't let you rest or enjoy the beautiful things around you. Some sort of disturbance could also be seen in domestic environment, after the second half of next year(2020) you would get some relief from that. There would be the feeling of discontentment, after having all sort of comforts. There are also the development of misunderstanding with the closed ones, so avoid any argumentative situation. You would like to stay in isolation and want to understand things around you in the deeper sense. Read more....
Libra Jupiter will be transiting over 3rd house for Libra natives, it will bring overall good results for Libra Moon sign/Ascendants. It will boost your energy level and open up the opportunities and chances to earn through communication and short distance travel. The people who are waiting for any govt. approval or any Visa related matter will get benefited through this transit. You will enjoy a good understanding with younger siblings, friends and cousins. Read more....
Scorpio Jupiter will be transiting over the 2nd house for Scorpion Moon Sign/Ascendant. It indicates un-expected monetary gain or you could get some kind of profit/gain through ancestral property. All the efforts done in the past, for monetary gain will bring you a positive result. You will be most likely to get benefited through your speech. You will get the support from your extended family when you need it the most. If you are in job chances are more likely to get a promotion. People in business will also make profitable deals. This transit of Jupiter will bless you with good judgement that will help you to make the right decision for your career whether its a job or a business. You have to control your eating habit, else it could cause some health issues. If you wanted to do some changes in your career, you will more likely to get a very good job opportunity. Read more...
Sagittarius Jupiter will be transiting over the ascendant for Sagittarius natives. You are going to get a great feeling of relief from your on-going sadesatti effects. This transit will bring overall favorable and auspicious time for you. You will be benefited through your intuition time to time, due to Jupiter and Ketu conjunction over your ascendant. Planets indicates you can earn better monetary gains through speculation but avoid any investments after the 2nd quarter of year 2020. Read more....
Capricorn This transit of Jupiter will bring mixed results for Capricorn natives. As it is going to transit over the 12th house, indicates you are more likely to do a lot expenditure during this phase. As it is aspecting over your 4th house indicates, it will bring a great opportunity to the people who are interested to do the investment in the property matters or looking to buy a new vehicle. At the same time i would advice not to get involved in the risky financial prospects or investments. The relationship with your mother will be good. Your understanding with your partner will improve. Your health will also see some ups and downs during this transit.
Some of you has to go through some sort of surgery as well. If you are in job, you will be shouldered by extra responsibilities and tough targets. You will get a very less co-operation and support from your co-workers. People involved in export/import business are more likely to get benefited during this phase. Some of you will do the multiple foreign trips, if you are passing through the dasha of favorable planet. If your work is related to some kind of communication or writing journals you might get a good recognition in your homeland as well as foreign land. Read more....
Aquarius Jupiter will be transiting the 11th house for Aquarius natives, indicates your income will increase or there will be a good chances of multiple source of income. At the same time accumulation of money will also be good. If you are a professional, you will be successful in your work area and there would be positive chances for a promotion for your hard work and efforts. Your social and network circle will increase and you are more likely to earn a profit through that. Your long time wish could be fulfilled during this time. This is the positive time for making a new investments. There is a possibility of getting some kind of profit through both elder and younger siblings. You would be doing frequent short distance trip for a good. You will get a happiness from your kids and will enjoy a very good bonding with them. The natives who are planning for a child from a long time, this transit of Jupiter will bring a positive news for you. Read more....
Pisces Jupiter is transiting its own sign Sagittarius, so for Pisces natives this period will bring growth and new opportunities. Jupiter being a ruler of the Pisces sign, so this transit of Jupiter holds an important role for Pisces natives. Pisces natives might have the rough time regarding their career and family matters in the past few years, so this transit of Jupiter will definitely bring some positive light in their lives. You will get a good support from your boss as well as from your subordinates. If you are in a job, the chances are good for the raise in salary or you will get a long awaiting promotion. Some of you will get a better job prospect with good salary, if you want to switch your job or looking for a new job. The Pisces natives, if your work is related to provide some kind of services you will get more recognition for your work. And if you are planning to introduce any new services into the market, you will get a good success. You will diplomatically deal with your rivals and competitors and could crack some good deals out of it. Any ongoing dispute will settle in your favor with a help of your friends. Read more....
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