Astrologically, in Kaalpurush kundli the 3rd house denotes the immigration related paper work or communication and the 9th house we relate with foreign travel. Since, October 2017 the Saturn has been transiting over the Sagittarius sign and as its aspect over the 3rd house. As we know the Saturn is the planet of hardship as well as delays is one of the reasons behind the scrutiny and the delay in the area of immigration. For the United States most Vedic Astrologers use July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, PA, 18:30 pm, as researched by the esteemed Vedic Astrologer, James Kelleher. So with the given detail, the USA Ascendant comes as Sagittarius, the sign of expansion, opportunity, prosperity and high aspiration. Saturn is transiting over the Ascendant, if we see the chart of United states. And as the sign of Sagittarius also represents structuring of some reforms, truthfulness and somewhat bluntness in action as well, so when the Saturn transit over the sign of Sagittarius it enhanced the strictness for the illegal or unlawful immigrants. Sagittarius is also a fiery sign and Saturn feels somewhat uncomfortable in this sign and has the rebellion feeling, so the policies got strict, more disciplined and some new policies added into structure. Sagittarius symbol shows the arrow pointing toward the target or the opposition. So, we have seen in the last couple of years, the United States govt. working toward the making new rules and opposing few old rules as well. And working towards the elimination of old policies that proposed or passed by last government. The 9th house represents foreign or long distance/oversees travel.
In Kaal purush kundli Saturn transit over the 9th house indicates delay, fear and discipline and limitations in that matter. So as the saturn entered in the sign of Sagittarius, it started the restructuring of reforms and some old policies. Rahu is transiting over the Gemini and Ketu is transiting over the Sagittarius since March 7, 2019 . So, the move of these shadow planet added more to the situation. The transit of Saturn and Ketu over the sign of Sagittarius, cause the hindrance and discontinuation in the matters related to foreign travel. And the Rahu transit over the Gemini as its a 3rd house of Kaal purush kundli enhanced the unexpected hurdles in matters related to documentation and communication. So many people encountered the situation, where the issues related to documentation/paper work got popped up from no where. So it increased the rate of Visa denial and delay in the matters of immigration.
I am sharing the data of US visa denial from previous years. Denial Rate: H-1B Petitions for Initial (New) Employment
FY 2019* 32%
FY 2018 24%
FY 2017 13%
FY 2016 10%
Data for the first quarter of US fiscal 2019 (that is, three months ended December 2018) shows that 60% of all completed H-1B cases had been issued RFEs. This is significant, considering that only 38% of all completed H-1B applications received RFEs during fiscal 2018 (12-month period ended September 30, 2018) and 21.4% in the previous fiscal.
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